1. A dialogue, co[n]teyninge the number in effecte of all the prouerbes in the Englishe tunge co[m]pact in a matter concerninge twoo maner of ...
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2. A declaration of Sir George Booth, at the general rendesvouz, on Tuesday last, near the city of Chester. With the number both of horse & foot; their advance to the city, & the joyning of Col. Ireland with their army. Also, the securing of the castle, the governours resolution, and the mounting of the strong walls, bulworks, & towers. Likewise the n
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3. 1607. A true report of certaine wonderfull ouerflow[ings] of waters, now lately in Summerset-shire, Norfolke, and [other] places of England destroying many thousands of men, wome[n,] and children, ouerthrowing and bearing downe whole townes and villages, and drowning infinite numbers of sheepe and other cattle.
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