1. C. Francis Jenkins, Pioneer of Film and Television
Technology -- Technology (General)
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2. At the court at Hampton-Court the 28th day of July 1681. Present the Kings most excellent Majesty, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Clarendon, Earl of Bat[h], Earl of C[---]en, Earl of Halifax, Earl of Conway, Lord Viscount Fauconberg, Lord Viscount Hyde, Lord Bishop of London, Mr. Secretary Jenkins, Mr. Chanc
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3. A vindication of the conforming clergy from the unjust aspersions of heresie, &c. in answer to some part of Mr. Jenkins funeral sermon upon Dr. Seaman with short reflections on some passages in a sermon preached by Mr. J.S. upon II Cor. V.XX. in a letter to a friend.
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