1. A sermon preached the 30th of January at White-Hall, 1664 being the anniversary commemoration of K. Charls the I, martyr'd on that day / by Henry King ...
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2. A true discovery of the proiectors of the wine proiect, out of the vintners owne orders made at their common hall, whereby it clearely appears that this project was contrived at Vinters Hall by the drawing vintners of London, and for their only advantage, to suppresse the coopers, and monopolize the sole benefit of retailing wines throughout this k
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3. King Charles his tryal at the High Court of Justice in Westminster Hall, begun Jan. 20 ended Jan. 27, 1648 : together with his speech on the scaffold at his execution at White-Hall Gate, Jan. 30th 1648 : to which is added, these severall speeches deliver'd immediatly before their executions, some of which were never printed before ...|Tryal of K. Charles I
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