1. A full survey of Sion and Babylon, and a clear vindication of the parish-churches and parochial-ministers of England ..., or, A Scripture disproof, and syllogistical conviction of M. Charles Nichols, of Kent ... delivered in three Sabbath-dayes sermons in the parish church of Deal in Kent, after a publick dispute in the same church with the said Mr. Charles Nichols, upon the 20. day of October 16
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2. A godly and frutefull sermon, made at Maydestone in the county of Kent the fyrst sonday in Lent, in the presence of the most reuerend father in God Thomas archbishop of Canterbury. &c. / by M. Thomas Cole scholemayster there, againste dyuers erronious opinions of the Anabaptistes and others.
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3. An essay for the discovery and discouraging of the new sprung schism raised and maintained by Mr Simon Henden of Bennenden in Kent. Exhibited in some passages of writing which have gone between Mr John Elmeston of Cranebroke, and the same M. Henden. Published according to order.
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