1. The hauen of pleasure c[ontaini]ng a freemans felicitie, and a true direction how to liue well: profitable and del[i]ghtfull to all, hurtfull and displeasing to none, except it bee to such pecuish [sic] dames as do either foolishlie reiect, or carelesly [sic] neglect the dutie of chast matron[e]s. / Gathered out of the best app[roued authors].
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2. A funeral elegie, upon the death of George Sonds, Esq; &c. Who was killed by his brother, Mr. Freeman Sonds, August the 7th. anno Dom. 1655. By William Annand Junior, of Throwligh. Whereunto is annexed a prayer, compiled by his sorrowfull father Sir George Sonds, and used in his family during the life of the said Freeman.
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3. Commune concilium tentum in camera Guihald. Ciuit' London, vicesimo di Iulii anno regni Regis Caroli Angliae &c. septimo, coram Roberto Ducie mil' & Baron. Maiore ciuitatis London, Thoma Middleton mil' & Aldermanno ciuit' London, Nicholao Raynton, Rad. Freeman, Thoma Moulson, Rolando Heyling, Roberto Parkhurst, Iohan' Poole, Christoph. Cletherow, R
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