1. A collection of several philosophical writings of Dr Henry More ... as namely, his Antidote against atheism, Appendix to the said antidote, Enthusiasmus triumphatus, Letters to Des-Cartes, &c., Immortality of the soul, Conjectura cabbalistica.
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2. Charles by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defendor of the faith, &c. to all and every our loving subiects to whom these presents shall come or to whom it doth, shall or may appertaine greeting whereas we ar[e] seized in fee in right of our dutchie of Lancaster of and in the tolle, aswell of carts and wagons laden with wood, corne, oyle, wooll, wine or any kind o
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3. Bibliotheque de seu Monseigneur le Duc de Lauderdale ou catalogue de livres choisis es langues Francoise, Italienne & Espagnole recueillis par ses soins & avec de grandes depenses, dans lequel se trouvent plusieurs ouvrages de l'Histoire, l'Antiquite, l'Architecture, la Geographie, viz. Cartes, Mappes-Mondes, &c. comme aussi quantite de Traitez de
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