1. A corosyfe to be layed hard vnto the hartes of all faythfull professours of Christes Gospel. Gathered out of the scriptures by Iohn Ra[m]sey
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2. A dialogue betwixt a secular priest, and a lay gentleman. Concerning some points objected by the Iesuiticall faction against such secular priests, as haue shewed their dislike of M. Blackwell and the Iesuits proceedings..
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3. Laurentius Lutherizans. Or the protestation of George Laurence, Master of Arts, late commoner in Oxford, and late lecturer in the parish-church of George Buttolph-Lane, by Little East-cheap in London. Against certaine calumniations asperged on him by the corrupt clergie, and their lay-proselytes, for some particulars, delivered in two sermons, at M
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