1. T. Hammer, United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, v. Dagenhart et al.
Law -- Law of nations -- Sources. Fontes juris gentium
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2. The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling
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3. An uprore in the north at Hull, about a moneth since by a company of souldiers against their captaine. With the particular speeches spoke on either side before the said Captaine Edvvard Walbrucke was miserably wounded and slaine. By H. T.
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