1. A defence of Dr. Sherlock's Preservative against Popery, in reply to a Jesuit's answer wherein the R. Father's reasonings are fully confuted. By William Giles a Protestant foot-man, living with Madam H. in Mark-Lane.
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2. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, setting forth the several plots and designes that have been on foot to destroy this Parliament, ever since the sitting thereof. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this declaration is forthwith printed and published. H. Elsing Cler. Parliament. Dom. Com.
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3. The declaration of Captain Hotham sent to the Parliament, wherein hee sheweth the reasons of his marching into the county of York, with some troops of horse and foot, as also why he consented not to the treaty of peace agreed upon by some of the gentlemen of that county. Imprimatur, H. Elsyng. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.
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