1. By the Lords Iustices, and Councell. Instructions to be obserued by the shiriffes. : Adam Loftus Canc., R. Corke..|Instructions to be obserued by the shiriffes. : Adam Loftus Canc., R. Corke
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2. By the King and Queen, a proclamation. William R. Whereas Sir Adam Blair and Robert Grey Doctor in physick, being charged with high treason for dispersing a treasonable paper, entituled, A declaration of King James the Second, ...
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3. Englands unthankfulness striving with Gods goodness, for the victory as Abaslom [sic] strove with David, whether the father should be more kinde to the son, or the son more unkinde to the father : or enough (being welweighed) to melt an heart of adamant / by R. Younge, Florilegus.
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