1. Nevves from Ireland Concerning the late treacherous action, and rebellion, of Sir Carey Adoughertie, and Felli Me Reeah Mark Dauy. With the cunning & deceitefull suprising of Captaine Hart, his wife and children, and the castle of Kilmore, his ransacking & burning of the citie of Derry. & c. And the inhumane murther of Sir George Paulet, his associ
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2. Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1690 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year : since [bracket] the creation of the world, 5639, the death of our Saviour, 1657, The conquest of this nation, 624, The restauration of K. C. II, 30, The last great plague, 25, The burning of London, 24, The last great frost, 6, Th
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3. Londons flames discovered by informations taken before the Committee Appointed to Enquire after the Burning of the City of London and after the insolency of the papists, &c.
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