1. A discourse shewing the nature of the gout with directions to such remedies as will immediately take away the pain ... : and also helps for palsies, plurisies, cholick, convulsions in limbs ... : with receipts and directions for the cure of the king's evil and other diseases / by W. Atkins.
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2. An assize sermon preached August 3, 1685, in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in York before the Right Honourable Sir Edward Atkins and Sir Thomas Walcot, His Majesty's judges of assize for the northern circuit / by William Stainforth ...
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3. [Eloheem], or, God and the magtistrate as it was delivered in a sermon before the honorable Baron Atkin and Justice Tirril, two of His Majestie's judges of assize, in the cathedral church of Lincoln, and in the shrievalty of the honorable Sir Edward Dymockek, and champion to His Scared Majestie / by Obadiah Howe ...
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