1. Articles showinge[?] and declaringe the evill behauio[r] and misdemeano[r] exhibited and performed[?] against John Browne gent[leman] and Robert Butterfeild clarke as follow[eth] vizt.
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2. Mr. Sadler, sadled in the vindication of Mr. R. Cranmer of London merchant: and confutation, of the abominable untruths, and falshoods of Anthony Sadler of Mitcham, Clark; contained in a letter and petition directed to the Right Reverend Father in God George, Lord Bishop of Winchester; and afterwards published to the world in print. By a true lover
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3. The young clarks guide: or, An exact collection of choice English presidents, according to the best forms now used for all sorts of indentures, letters of atturney, releases, conditions, &c. Very useful and necessary for all, but chiefly for those that intend to follow the atturney's practise. Compiled by Sir R. H. counsellor: and revised by an abl
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