1. P. M. S. Heneagii, Nottinghamiae Comitis, Baronis Daventriae, Dom. Finch, &c. summi Angliae Cancellarii, qui 18 Decemb. Obiit 1682.
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2. Master Rigb'ys [sic] [s]peech in [answ]er to the Lord Finch of [that] be delivered before the House of Commons in behalf of himself : with a [co]nspiracie discovered, or [R]eport of a committee House of Commons in Parliament, of examination of divers of the conspiratars, and others in the late treason, June the 17th, 1641 ...|Master Rigby's speech in answer to the Lord Finch
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3. 40 Years of Evolution: Darwin's Finches on Daphne Major Island
Science -- Biology (General) -- Evolution
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