1. A great and bloudy fight at Dublin in Ireland, between the King of Scots army, commanded by the Marq. of Ormond, and the Lord Inchiquin; and the Parliaments army under the conduct of Col. Jones; upon their close beseiging of the city, with twenty thousand horse and foot, since the taking of Tredagh: shewing the mannor, how the L. Inchiquin with a s
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2. Three great victories I. obtained by Collonel Jones, and adjutant general Louthanie, in the entring of the town of Chester, where they took all the northeast part of the town, and the barres, and all the outworks, and works, as farre as the east gate, with all the particulars of the said fight, and the summons sent in, for the surrender of the city and castle : II. the taking of the devizes, by l
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3. Judges judged out of their own mouthes or the question resolved by Magna charta, &c. Who have been Englands enemies, kings seducers, and peoples destroyers, from Hen. 3. to Hen. 8. and before and since. Stated by Sr. Edvvard Coke, Knt. late L. Chief Justice of England. Expostulated, and put to the vote of the people, by J. Jones, Gent. Whereunto is
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