1. A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter f
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2. Bibliotheca insignis: or, A catalogue of excellent Greek, Latin and English books in divinity, history, geography, travels, romances poetry, law, physick, mathematicks, &c. which will be sold by auction at Rolls's Auction House in Petty Canons-Hall on the North side o[f] St. Pauls Church-yard London. At three a clock in the afternoon. On Monday, Ju
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3. The sea-mans kalender. Or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars. As also, a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world, most exactly calculated by John Tap. Newly corrected and enlarged with many additions. Viz: Tables of the suns equall motions ... new exact tables of the North-Star. New tables of 77 of the principall f
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