1. Innocent love in triumph: or, the joys of wedlock made manifest Being a most delightful new play song. No love like that which innocence does crown, On which Hell's daughter Jealousie, can't frown; Nor is it like the smiles that harlots sell, But chast as those who in Elizium dwell; All joys attend it, and all blessings wait, To make fair Celia's l
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2. The Best newes from York that ever came to London and VVestminster containing His Majsties most gracious resolution to returne to his Parliament, with his determination to be resident at at [sic] his palace at Whitehall where he may the better comply with his two Houses of Peeres and Commons : to the joy of all the kings true hearted and loyally disposed svbjects : with the contents of a letter l
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3. The vertuous maids resolution: or, The two honest lovers. Shewing what unconstant men there be, that use deceit and flattery; they'l cog, dissemble, swear, and lye, a harmeless maidens life to try, to all such lovers she'l be coy, and says, my freedom's all my joy. To the tune of, I am a poor and harmless maid &c.
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