1. Dendrologie, ou La forest de Dodonne. Par M. Iacques Howel, Gentilhomme Breton-Anglois.
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. A greene forest, or A naturall historie vvherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones & mettals: next of plants, as of herbes, trees, [and] shrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes [and] serpents, and that alphabetically: so that a table shall not neede. Compiled by Iohn Maplet, M
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3. A ryght delectable treatyse upon a goodly garlande or chapelet of laurell by mayster Skelton poete laureat studyously dyuysed at Sheryshotton Castell. In ye foreste of galtres, where in ar co[m]prysyde many [et] dyuers colacyons [et] ryght pregnant allectyues of syngular pleasure, as more at large it doth apere in ye pees folowynge
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