1. Calumny arraign'd and cast. Or A briefe answer to some extravagant and rank passages, lately fallen from the pen of William Prynne, Esquire, in a late discourse, entituled, Truth triumphing over falshood, &c. against Mr John Goodwin, Minister of the Gospel. Wherein the loyall, unfeigned and unstained affection of the said John Goodwin to the Parlia
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2. The returne of prayers a treatise, wherein this case (how to discerne Gods answers to our prayers) is briefly resolved : with other observations upon Psalm 85.8 concerning Gods speaking peace, &c. / by Tho. Goodwin.
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3. Calumny arraign'd and cast, or, A briefe answer to some extravagant and rank passages, lately fallen from the pen of William Prynne, Esquire in a late discourse entituled, Truth triumphing over falshood, &c against Mr. John Goodwin, minister of the gospel wherein the loyall, unfeigned and unstained affection of the said John Goodwin to the Parliament and civill magistracie is irrefragably and ful
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