1. A true relation of the passages of Gods providence in a voyage for Ireland. With the additionall forces sent for reducing of that kingdome by His Maiesie [sic], and Paliament [sic]. Wherein every daye worke is set downe faithfully by H. P. an eye-witnesse thereof, under the command of Alexander L. Forbes, Lieutenant General under the L. Brooke for
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2. A trve relation of the passages of Gods providence in a voyage for Ireland with the additionall forces sent for reducing of that kingdome by His Maiesie [sic] and Parliament wherein every daye worke is set downe faithfully / by H. P. ... under the command of Alexander L. Forbes, Lieutenant General under the L. Brooke for that service from the 29 of June to the 29 of September 1642 ; likewise seve
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3. The proposals for promoting the woollen-manufactory, promoted Further making it appear, that the nation will thereby increase in wealth, at least 5000 l. per day, for every day in the year on which it is lawful to labour. And that the strength and safety of the king and kingdom, together with a most happy reformation will be accomplished therein. A
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