1. The historie of graunde Amoure and la bell Pucel, called the Pastime of plesure co[n]teining the knowledge of the seue[n] sciences, [and] the course of mans life in this worlde. Iuuented [sic] by Stephen Hawes, grome of kyng Henry the seuenth his chamber.
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2. [Queen Anna's nevv vvorld of words, or dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues,] [c]ollected, and newly muc[h augmented by] Iohn Florio, reader of the Italian vnto the Soueraigne Maiestie of Anna, crowned Queene of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. And one of the gentlemen of hir Royall Priuie Chamber. Whereunto are added certaine n
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3. An account of the several impressions, or editions of King Charles the Martyr's most excellent book, intituled, 'Eiko'n Basilike' that were printed without the prayers at the end, and some with the prayers, with a letter transcribed from the original. Written by Mr. William Levet, page of the bed-chamber in ordinary to His Majesty King Charles the
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