1. A coppy of Mr. Henry VVilmots letter to M. VVilliam Crofts at the Hague, intercepted at sea by one of the ships in His Majesties service, and sent up to the Lord Admirall, and was delivered to the Commons by the Lords at a conference of both houses..
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2. A coppy of Mr. Henry VVilmots letter to M. VVilliam Crofts at the Hague intercepted at sea by one of the ships in His Majesties service, and sent up to the Lord Admirall, and was delivered to the Commons by the Lords at a conferece of both houses.
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3. Three letters of dangerous consequences read at a conference of both Houses of Parliament : the first two from Rotterdam and date Iuly 1 & 4 stilo movo, 1642 : the other, from M. Wilmot to M. Crofts at the Hague, dated Iuly 22, 1642 : in which appears a desperate designe of the L. Digby, Cap. Hide, Sir Lewis Divers, M. Jermin. M. Percy, and divers Cavileeres against the Parliament of England
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