1. Nevv song, warbled out of the oracular oven of Tho. Baker, just after the D. of M--------gh's triumphal procession, thro' the City of London. To the tune of, Which no body can deny.
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2. Achitophel befool'd a sermon preached November V, 1678 at St. Sepulchres / by Aaron Baker ...
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3. The Sommerset-shire damsel beguil'd, or, The bonny baker chous'd in his bargain the baker wedded her in hast, and after that was done, [double bracket] she brought him e're five months space a daughter and a son. : To the tune of, The two English travellers.|Somersetshire damsel beguiled|Bonny baker chous'd in his bargain|Two English travellers.
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