1. Hereaft[er] foloweth the abreuiac?n of the graces/idulgeces & staci?s which our moste holy fad[er] Pope Alexander vi. grauteth to all true beleuige people: of euery sexe or kynde wyllige to entre into the fraternite of the great hospytall of saynt Iames i C?postell: lately edifyed & bylded: as is c?teined i his lett[er]s apostolykes/grauted to euerlastige memory/& c?fermed by our holy
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2. To the exequies of the honourable, Sr. Antonye Alexander, knight, &c. A pastorall elegie.
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3. The carmens remonstrance, or a reply to the false and scurrilous papers of the woodmongers,by them put out against the carremen in a way of opposing them in getting of their charter, and a vindication of the carmens intentions against the scandal of the vvoodmongers. Directed to the right honourable, Alexander Garland esquire, and the rest of the c
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