1. Memorial verses on the ecclesiastical and civil calender with an epitome of the heavenly motions. By Thomas Streete student in astronomy and mathematicks. Imprimatur, ex AEdibus Lamb. Jul. 16. 1666. Tho. Cooke, reverendissimo in Christo patri & D. Gilberto Archiepiscopo cant. sacellanus domesticus.
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2. A white sheete, or A warning for whoremongers A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Swithins by London-stone, the 19. of Iuly, anno Domi: 1629. the day appointed by honorable authoritie, for penance to be done, by an inhabitant there, for fornication, continued more then two yeares, with his maide-seruant. By Richard Cooke B: of D: and pars
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3. The divine Epicurus, or, The empire of pleasure over the vertues compos'd by A. LeGrand ; and rendred into English by Edward Cooke.
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