1. The memory of the righteous revived being a brief collection of the books and written epistles of John Camm & John Audland, those two faithful and honourable servants of the Lord, who were called to the work of the ministry in the morning of Gods blessed day dawned in this generation, and, with other brethren, bore the heat and burden of the day faithfully, to the end and finishing of their c
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2. Charles by the grace of God king of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our lovits ... Forsomuch as our lieges and subjects are heavily opprest and burdened with exorbitant annuals and interest taken for the use of money ...
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3. Oates well thresh't being a dialogue of country-make betwixt a farmer, and his man-boy, Jack : the good man, who had lost much by the grain, hears Presbyter-Jack to plead for it in vain : the tune, Which no body can deny, &c. : the burden must be twice repeated.
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