1. An alarm to all impenitent [s]inners. Or, [T]he spirit of bondage raised up in judgement and allayed in mercy. [D]eclared in a short treatise of the sweetnesse of God's love discovered in the bitterness of his wrath. / [B]y Humphrey Browne ...
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2. An Evening With Elaine Brown...Author of The Condemnation of Little B, CSU-Dominquez Hills
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3. Arcana microcosmi or, the hid secrets of man's body discovered; in an anatomical duel between Aristotle and Galen concerning the parts thereof: as also, by a discovery of the strange and marveilous diseases, symptomes & accidents of man's body. With a refutation of Doctor Brown's vulgar errors, the Lord Bacon's Natural history, and Doctor Harvy's b
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