1. This day is publish'd, one hundred of the Tatlers, written by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. Printed in a neat pocket edition, on the same paper, and with same letter as this advertisement ... and sold by H. Hills in Black-Fryers, and J. Baker at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. Price bound in calves leather, four shillings ... Hudibras in a neat pocket
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2. This day is publish'd, one hundred of the Tatlers, written by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. Printed in a neat pocket edition, on the same paper, and with same letter as this advertisement ... and sold by H. Hills in Black-Fryers, and J. Baker at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row. Price bound in calves leather, four shillings ... Hudibras in a neat pocket edition ...
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3. The seven women confessors, or A discovery of the seuen white divels which liued at Queen-Street in Coven-Garden. Viz. Katherine Wels, Susan Baker, Anne Parker, Katherine Smith, Elinor Hall, Mary Iones, Dorathy Marsh. Whose articles are herein declared, and their mad pranks presented to the view of the world. Discovered by Iohn Stockden a yeoman. J
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