1. Sex and Drugs Before Rock 'n' Roll: Youth Culture and Masculinity During Holland's Golden Age
978-90-8964-402-2; 978-90-232-5072-2;
Fine arts -- Arts in general -- History of the arts
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2. A poem, occasioned by His Majesty's voyage to Holland, the congress at the Hague, and present siege of Mons written by N. Tate.
Language and literature -- Literature (General)
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3. Observations concerning the present affayres of Holland and the vnited Prouinces. made by an English ge[n]tleman there lately resident, and since written by himselfe from Paris to his friend in England.|Spiegel der Nederlandsche elenden.|Obseruations about the affayres of Holland|Observations about the affayres of Holland
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