1. Chronyc. historie der Nederlandtscher oorlogen, troublen e[n]n oproeren oorspronck, anuanck e[n]n eynde, item den standt der religien, tot desen iare 1580. Beschreuen durch den hoochgeleerden Heren Adam Henricipetri, Docteur by den Rechten tot Basel, also hy schriftelick van een raetsherete Bruessel ontfanghen heft, allen liefhebberen der Christeli
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2. Here begynneth the boke of Iohan Bochas, discryuing the fall of pri[n]ces, princesses, and other nobles: translated into Englysshe by Iohn Lydgate monke of Bury, begynnyng at Adam and Eue, and endyng with kyng Iohan of Fraunce, taken prisoner at Poyters by prince Edwarde
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3. Hunnies recreations: conteining foure godlie and compendious discourses, intituled Adams Banishment: Christ his crib. The lost sheepe. The complaint of old age. Whereunto is newly adioyned these two notable and pithie treatises: The creation or first weeke. The life and death of Ioseph. Compiled by William Hunnis, one of the gentleme[n] of hir Maie
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