1. The arte of warre, written first in Italia[n] by Nicholas Machiauell, and set forthe in Englishe by Peter Whitehorne, studient at Graies Inne: with an addicio[n] of other like marcialle feates and experimentes, and in a table in the ende of the booke maie appere
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2. The arte of warre, written in Italian by Nicholas Machiauel, and set foorth in English by Peter VVithorne, stude[n]t at Graies Inne: vvith other like martial feates and experiments, as in a table in the ende of the booke may appeare
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3. The co[m]plaint of Roderyck Mors, somtyme a gray Fryre, vnto the parlament house of Ingland hys naturall countrey for the redresse of certein wycked lawes, euell custumes a[n]d cruell decrees. A table wherof thou shalt finde in the next leafe.
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