1. Lingua linguarum = The natural language of languages in a vocabulary wherein it is desired and endeavoured, that tongues may be brought to teach themselves; and words may be best fancied, understood, and remembred. Contrived and built upon analogy, a designe further improvable, and appliable to the gaining of any language: but here fitted for the f
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2. F# High Performance: Build Powerful and Fast Applications with F#
Science -- Mathematics -- Instruments and machines
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3. Mr. de Ryck's large collection of original, royal, Italian, ancient and modern, pictures, by the greatest masters, viz. Raphael D'Urbin. Julio Romano. John Baptisto Bertano. Van Dyck. Breughel. Rubens. Tysen's, &c. As also several of the best masters, now living in London, and of his own originals. Also, a large collection of the best Italian and F
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