1. The Late K. James's commission to his privateers to ravage, plunder, burn, sink, and destroy all the ships and goods of the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland : with remarks thereupon.
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2. Angelus Britannicus, an ephemeris for the year our redemption, 1694 being the second after the bissextile or leap-year since the creation of the world, 5643, the death of our saviour, 1661, the conquest of this nation, 628, the restauration of K. Ch. II., 34, the last great plaque, 29, the burning of London, 28, the last great frost, 10, the death of K. Charles II, 9, the abdication of K. James I
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3. Angelus Britannicus: an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1688. Being the bissextile or leap year. Since [bracket] the creation of the world, 5637. The death of our saviour, 1655. The conquest of this nation, 622. The restauration of K. Ch. II, 28. The last great plague, 23. The burning of London, 22. The last great frost, 4. The death of K.
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