1. Royall psalmes, or, Soliloquies of D. Anthony, King of Portingall wherein the sinner confesseth his sinnes and imploreth the grace of God / translated into French by P. Durier, into English by Baldwin St George, Gent.
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2. Royall psalmes or, soliloquies of D. Anthony, King of Portingall. Wherein the sinner confesseth his sinnes, and imploreth the grace of God. / Translated into French by P. Durier ; into English by Baldwin St George, Gent.
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3. A strange, true, and dreadful relation, of the devils appearing to Thomas Cox a hackney-coach-man who lives in Cradle-Alley in Baldwins-Gardens. First, in the habit of a gentleman with a roll of parchment in his hand, and then in the shape of a bear, which afterwards vanish'd away in a flash of fire, at eight of the clock on Friday night, October t
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