1. Sir John Thomas, Baronet and Dame Elizabeth, his wife --- appellants. Sir Charles Kemeys, Baronet, Thomas Lord Wharton, Goodwin Wharton, Esq; and others. Respondents. Et e contra. The case of Sir John Thomas, and Dame Elizabeth.
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2. Of the childs portion viz: Good education. By E. W. Or, The book of the education of youth, that hath for some yeers lain in obscurity; but is now brought to light, for the help of parents and tutors, to whom it is recommended. By Will: Goudge, D.D. Edm: Calamy. John Goodwin. Joseph Caryll. Jer: Burroughs. William Greenhill.
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3. [Ordo baccalaureorum determinantium] in Universitate Oxon. per quadragesim. ann. 1680/81 collectoribus [brace] Dno. Creech è Coll. Wadh., Dno. Goodwin è Coll. Magd.
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