1. Magna charta made in the ninth year of K. Henry the Third, and confirmed by K. Edward the First, in the twenty-eighth year of his reign with some short, but necessary observations from the L. Chief Just. Coke's comments upon it / faithfully translated for the benefit of those that do not understand the Latine, by Edw. Cooke, of the Middle-Temple, E
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2. Catalogus variorum librorum instructissimæ bibliothecæ Rev. Jac. Chamberlaine, Collegii St. Joh. in academia Cantabrig. quondam socii cum plurimis libris variarum facultatatum tàm modernis, quàm antiquis, e regionibus vicinis in Angliam, nupperrimè advectis / quorum auctio habenda est apud nundinum Sturbrigiense in vico vulgò dicto Cookes-Row, Septemb. 8, 1686, per Edvardum
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