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CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne [CMAJ] 2018 Feb 05; Vol. 190 (5), pp. E126-E136.
Reuter MS; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Walker S; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Thiruvahindrapuram B; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Whitney J; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Cohn I; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Sondheimer N; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Yuen RKC; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Trost B; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Paton TA; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Pereira SL; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Herbrick JA; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Wintle RF; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Merico D; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Howe J; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
MacDonald JR; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Lu C; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Nalpathamkalam T; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Sung WWL; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Wang Z; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Patel RV; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Pellecchia G; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Wei J; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Strug LJ; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Bell S; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Kellam B; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Mahtani MM; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Bassett AS; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Bombard Y; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Weksberg R; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Shuman C; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Cohn RD; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Stavropoulos DJ; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Bowdin S; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Hildebrandt MR; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Wei W; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Romm A; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Pasceri P; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Ellis J; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Ray P; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Meyn MS; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Monfared N; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Hosseini SM; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Joseph-George AM; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Keeley FW; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Cook RA; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Fiume M; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Lee HC; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Marshall CR; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Davies J; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Hazell A; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Buchanan JA; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Szego MJ; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont.
Scherer SW; The Centre for Applied Genomics (Reuter, Walker, Thiruvahindrapuram, Whitney, Yuen, Trost, Paton, Pereira, Herbrick, Wintle, Merico, Howe, MacDonald, Lu, Nalpathamkalam, Sung, Wang, Patel, Pellecchia, J. Wei, Strug, Bell, Kellam, Mahtani, Hosseini, Fiume, Marshall, Buchanan, Scherer); Divisions of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (I. Cohn), or Clinical, and Metabolic Genetics (Sondheimer, Weksberg, Shuman, Bowdin, Meyn, Monfared), The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Paediatrics (Sondheimer, R. Cohn) and Molecular Genetics (Yuen, Weksberg, Shuman, R. Cohn, Ellis, Meyn), University of Toronto; Deep Genomics Inc. (Merico); Department of Psychiatry (Bassett), University Health Network and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (Bombard), St. Michael's Hospital; Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (Bombard), University of Toronto; Centre for Genetic Medicine (Stavropoulos, Bowdin, Ray, Monfared); Molecular Genetics Laboratory (Stavropoulos, Ray, Marshall), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine; Developmental and Stem Cell Biology (Hildebrandt, W. Wei, Romm, Pasceri, Ellis); Ted Rogers Cardiac Genome Clinic (Hosseini); Cytogenetics Laboratory (Joseph-George), Division of Genome Diagnostics, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; Departments of Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Pathobiology (Keeley), University of Toronto; DNAstack (Cook, Fiume); McLaughlin Centre (Lee, Scherer), University of Toronto; Medcan Health Management Inc. (Davies, Hazell); Dalla Lana School of Public Health (Szego), Department of Family and Community Medicine, and The Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto; Centre for Clinical Ethics (Szego), St. Joseph's Health Centre, Toronto, Ont. stephen.scherer@sickkids.ca.
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Database : MEDLINE


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