1. An additional instruction unto Iosias Berners, Francis Massenden Esqs; Sir William Roberts knight, Iohn Parker, Henry Pit, Matthias Valentine, and Robert Aldworth, Esqs;
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2. An exposition of the powring out of the fourth vial: mentioned in the sixteenth of the Revelation. By Master Robert Parker. Wherein he differs from M. Brightman, and other Protestant divines, which hold, that these judgements are to be poured out upon the Church of Rome, and that party. But he conceives they have reference unto these times, and are
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3. An exposition of the powring out of the fourth vial mentioned in the sixteenth of the Revelation by Master Robert Parker ; wherein he differs from M. Brightman, and other Protestant divines, which hold that these judgements are to be poured out upon the Church of Rome, and that party, but he conceives they have reference unto these times, and are to be poured out upon some Protestant princes and
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