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Journal of extracellular vesicles [J Extracell Vesicles] 2018 Nov 23; Vol. 7 (1), pp. 1535750. Date of Electronic Publication: 2018 Nov 23 (Print Publication: 2018).
Théry C; Institut Curie, INSERM U932, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Witwer KW; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Aikawa E; Brigham and Women's Hospital, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences, Boston, MA, USA.; Harvard Medical School, Cardiovascular Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Alcaraz MJ; Interuniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Anderson JD; University of California, Davis, Department of Otolaryngology, Davis, CA, USA.
Andriantsitohaina R; INSERM U1063, Université d'Angers, CHU d'Angers, Angers, France.
Antoniou A; German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.; University Hospital Bonn (UKB), Bonn, Germany.
Arab T; Université de Lille, INSERM, U-1192, Laboratoire Protéomique, Réponse Inflammatoire et Spectrométrie de Masse - PRISM, Lille, France.
Archer F; University of Lyon, INRA, EPHE, UMR754 Viral Infections and Comparative Pathology, Lyon, France.
Atkin-Smith GK; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Ayre DC; Atlantic Cancer Research Institute, Moncton, Canada.; Mount Allison University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Sackville, Canada.
Bach JM; Université Bretagne Loire, Oniris, INRA, IECM, Nantes, France.
Bachurski D; University of Cologne, Department of Internal Medicine I, Cologne, Germany.
Baharvand H; Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Cell Science Research Center, Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Tehran, Iran.; University of Science and Culture, ACECR, Department of Developmental Biology, Tehran, Iran.
Balaj L; Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Boston, MA, USA.
Baldacchino S; University of Malta, Department of Pathology, Msida, Malta.
Bauer NN; University of South Alabama, Department of Pharmacology, Center for Lung Biology, Mobile, AL, USA.
Baxter AA; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Bebawy M; University of Technology Sydney, Discipline of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Health, Sydney, Australia.
Beckham C; University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA.
Bedina Zavec A; National Institute of Chemistry, Department of Molecular Biology and Nanobiotechnology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Benmoussa A; Université Laval, Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Quebec City, Canada.
Berardi AC; Ospedale Santo Spirito, Pescara, Italy.
Bergese P; CSGI - Research Center for Colloids and Nanoscience, Florence, Italy.; INSTM - National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Florence, Italy.; University of Brescia, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Brescia, Italy.
Bielska E; University of Birmingham, Institute of Microbiology and Infection, Birmingham, UK.
Blenkiron C; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
Bobis-Wozowicz S; Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Department of Cell Biology, Kraków, Poland.
Boilard E; Université Laval, Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Quebec City, Canada.
Boireau W; FEMTO-ST Institute, UBFC, CNRS, ENSMM, UTBM, Besançon, France.
Bongiovanni A; Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology (IBIM), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, Palermo, Italy.
Borràs FE; Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Can Ruti Campus, REMAR-IVECAT Group, Badalona, Spain.; Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Nephrology Service, Badalona, Spain.; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Department of Cell Biology, Physiology & Immunology, Barcelona, Spain.
Bosch S; Université Bretagne Loire, Oniris, INRA, IECM, Nantes, France.
Boulanger CM; INSERM UMR-S 970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris, France.; Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France.
Breakefield X; Massachusetts General Hospital and Neuroscience Program, Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology and Radiology, Boston, MA, USA.
Breglio AM; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, NY, USA.; National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Brennan MÁ; Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA.; Université de Nantes, INSERM UMR 1238, Bone Sarcoma and Remodeling of Calcified Tissues, PhyOS, Nantes, France.
Brigstock DR; Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA.; The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
Brisson A; UMR-CBMN, CNRS-Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
Broekman ML; Haaglanden Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, The Hague, The Netherlands.; Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Neurosurgery, Leiden, The Netherlands.; Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, USA.
Bromberg JF; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA.; Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Medicine, New York City, NY, USA.
Bryl-Górecka P; Lund University, Department of Cardiology, Lund, Sweden.
Buch S; University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Omaha, NE, USA.
Buck AH; University of Edinburgh, Institute of Immunology & Infection Research, Edinburgh, UK.
Burger D; Kidney Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Busatto S; Mayo Clinic, Department of Transplantation, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; University of Brescia, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Brescia, Italy.
Buschmann D; Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Division of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Freising, Germany.
Bussolati B; University of Torino, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Torino, Italy.
Buzás EI; MTA-SE Immuno-Proteogenomics Research Groups, Budapest, Hungary.; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Byrd JB; University of Michigan, Department of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Camussi G; University of Torino, Department of Medical Sciences, Torino, Italy.
Carter DR; Oxford Brookes University, Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford, UK.
Caruso S; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Chamley LW; University of Auckland, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Chang YT; National Taiwan University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen C; National Tsing Hua University, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan.; National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Nanoengineering and Microsystems, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Chen S; Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Institute of Reproductive Biology, Dummerstorf, Germany.
Cheng L; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Chin AR; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Clayton A; Cardiff University, School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Clerici SP; UNICAMP, Institute of Biology, Campinas, Brazil.
Cocks A; Cardiff University, School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Cocucci E; The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy, Division of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Columbus, OH, USA.; The Ohio State University, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH, USA.
Coffey RJ; Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Epithelial Biology Center, Department of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA.
Cordeiro-da-Silva A; University of Porto, Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUP), IBMC/I3S, Porto, Portugal.
Couch Y; University of Oxford, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Acute Stroke Programme - Investigative Medicine, Oxford, UK.
Coumans FA; Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Vesicle Observation Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Coyle B; The University of Nottingham, School of Medicine, Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, Nottingham, UK.
Crescitelli R; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy, Krefting Research Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Criado MF; University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
D'Souza-Schorey C; University of Notre Dame, Department of Biological Sciences, Notre Dame, IN, USA.
Das S; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.
Datta Chaudhuri A; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
de Candia P; IRCCS MultiMedica, Milan, Italy.
De Santana EF; The Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil.
De Wever O; Cancer Research Institute Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.; Ghent University, Department of Radiation Oncology and Experimental Cancer Research, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, Ghent, Belgium.
Del Portillo HA; Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain.; Institut d'Investigació Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP), PVREX group, Badalona, Spain.; ISGlobal, Hospital Clínic - Universitat de Barcelona, PVREX Group, Barcelona, Spain.
Demaret T; Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC), Laboratory of Pediatric Hepatology and Cell Therapy, Brussels, Belgium.
Deville S; Universiteit Hasselt, Diepenbeek, Belgium.; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Mol, Belgium.
Devitt A; Aston University, School of Life & Health Sciences, Birmingham, UK.
Dhondt B; Cancer Research Institute Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.; Ghent University Hospital, Department of Urology, Ghent, Belgium.; Ghent University, Department of Radiation Oncology and Experimental Cancer Research, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, Ghent, Belgium.
Di Vizio D; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Dieterich LC; ETH Zurich, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland.
Dolo V; University of L'Aquila, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, L'Aquila, Italy.
Dominguez Rubio AP; Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Departamento de Química Biológica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dominici M; TPM of Mirandola, Mirandola, Italy.; University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Division of Oncology, Modena, Italy.
Dourado MR; University of Campinas, Piracicaba Dental School, Department of Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba, Brazil.; University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, Cancer and Translational Medicine Research Unit, Oulu, Finland.
Driedonks TA; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Duarte FV; Exogenus Therapeutics, Cantanhede, Portugal.
Duncan HM; McGill University, Division of Experimental Medicine, Montreal, Canada.; McGill University, The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, Child Health and Human Development Program, Montreal, Canada.
Eichenberger RM; James Cook University, Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, Centre for Biodiscovery and Molecular Development of Therapeutics, Cairns, Australia.
Ekström K; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Clinical Sciences at Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Biomaterials, Gothenburg, Sweden.
El Andaloussi S; Evox Therapeutics Limited, Oxford, UK.; Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Elie-Caille C; FEMTO-ST Institute, UBFC, CNRS, ENSMM, UTBM, Besançon, France.
Erdbrügger U; University of Virginia Health System, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Charlottesville, VA, USA.
Falcón-Pérez JM; CIC bioGUNE, CIBERehd, Exosomes Laboratory & Metabolomics Platform, Derio, Spain.; IKERBASQUE Research Science Foundation, Bilbao, Spain.
Fatima F; University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto Medical School, Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.
Fish JE; Toronto General Hospital Research Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; University of Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Toronto, Canada.
Flores-Bellver M; University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Cell Sight-Ocular Stem Cell and Regeneration Program, Aurora, CO, USA.
Försönits A; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Frelet-Barrand A; FEMTO-ST Institute, UBFC, CNRS, ENSMM, UTBM, Besançon, France.
Fricke F; German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Clinical Cooperation Unit Applied Tumor Biology, Heidelberg, Germany.; University Hospital Heidelberg, Institute of Pathology, Applied Tumor Biology, Heidelberg, Germany.
Fuhrmann G; Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.; Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany.; Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Gabrielsson S; Karolinska Institute, Department of Medicine Solna, Division for Immunology and Allergy, Stockholm, Sweden.
Gámez-Valero A; Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Can Ruti Campus, REMAR-IVECAT Group, Badalona, Spain.; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Universitari and Health Sciences Research Institute Germans Trias i Pujol, Department of Pathology, Barcelona, Spain.
Gardiner C; University College London, London, UK.
Gärtner K; Helmholtz Center Munich German Research Center for Environmental Health, Research Unit Gene Vectors, Munich, Germany.
Gaudin R; INSERM U1110, Strasbourg, France.; Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
Gho YS; POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Department of Life Sciences, Pohang, South Korea.
Giebel B; University Hospital Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Essen, Germany.
Gilbert C; Université Laval, Centre de Recherche du CHU de Québec, Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunity, Quebec City, Canada.
Gimona M; Paracelsus Medical University, GMP Unit, Salzburg, Austria.
Giusti I; University of L'Aquila, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, L'Aquila, Italy.
Goberdhan DC; University of Oxford, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, Oxford, UK.
Görgens A; Evox Therapeutics Limited, Oxford, UK.; Karolinska Institute, Clinical Research Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden.; University Hospital Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Institute for Transfusion Medicine, Essen, Germany.
Gorski SM; BC Cancer, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, Canada.; Simon Fraser University, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Burnaby, Canada.
Greening DW; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Gross JC; University Medical Center Göttingen, Developmental Biochemistry, Göttingen, Germany.; University Medical Center Göttingen, Hematology and Oncology, Göttingen, Germany.
Gualerzi A; IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Clinical Biophotonics (LABION), Milan, Italy.
Gupta GN; Loyola University Chicago, Department of Urology, Maywood, IL, USA.
Gustafson D; University of Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Toronto, Canada.
Handberg A; Aalborg University Hospital, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aalborg, Denmark.; Aalborg University, Clinical Institute, Aalborg, Denmark.
Haraszti RA; University of Massachusetts Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute, Worcester, MA, USA.
Harrison P; University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
Hegyesi H; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Hendrix A; Cancer Research Institute Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.; Ghent University, Department of Radiation Oncology and Experimental Cancer Research, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, Ghent, Belgium.
Hill AF; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Hochberg FH; Scintillon Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA.; University of California, San Diego, Department of Neurosurgery, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Hoffmann KF; Aberystwyth University, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth, United Kingdom.
Holder B; Imperial College London, London, UK.; MRC The Gambia, Fajara, The Gambia.
Holthofer H; University Clinic Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
Hosseinkhani B; Hasselt University, Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED), Department of Medicine and Life Sciences, Hasselt, Belgium.
Hu G; University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Omaha, NE, USA.
Huang Y; Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Guangzhou, China.; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Huber V; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Unit of Immunotherapy of Human Tumors, Milan, Italy.
Hunt S; The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.
Ibrahim AG; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Smidt Heart Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Ikezu T; Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Inal JM; University of Hertfordshire, School of Life and Medical Sciences, Biosciences Research Group, Hatfield, UK.
Isin M; Istanbul University Oncology Institute, Basic Oncology Department, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ivanova A; German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division Signaling and Functional Genomics, Heidelberg, Germany.
Jackson HK; The University of Nottingham, School of Medicine, Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre, Nottingham, UK.
Jacobsen S; Copenhagen Lupus and Vasculitis Clinic, Section 4242 - Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.; University of Copenhagen, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jay SM; University of Maryland, Fischell Department of Bioengineering, College Park, MD, USA.
Jayachandran M; Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Rochester, MN, USA.
Jenster G; Department of Urology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Jiang L; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Johnson SM; University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences, Manchester Cancer Research Centre, Manchester, UK.
Jones JC; National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Jong A; Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Jovanovic-Talisman T; City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Beckman Research Institute, Department of Molecular Medicine, Duarte, CA, USA.
Jung S; German Research Center for Environmental Health, Institute for Virology, Munich, Germany.
Kalluri R; University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Cancer Biology, Metastasis Research Center, Houston, TX, USA.
Kano SI; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Kaur S; National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, Laboratory of Pathology, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Kawamura Y; National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.; University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.
Keller ET; University of Michigan, Biointerfaces Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; University of Michigan, Department of Urology, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Khamari D; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Khomyakova E; École normale supérieure, Paris, France.; Federal Research and Clinical Center of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russia.
Khvorova A; University of Massachusetts Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute, Worcester, MA, USA.
Kierulf P; Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Blood Cell Research Group, Oslo, Norway.
Kim KP; Kyung Hee University, Department of Applied Chemistry, Yongin, Korea.
Kislinger T; Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, Canada.; University of Toronto, Department of Medical Biophysics, Toronto, Canada.
Klingeborn M; Duke University, Department of Ophthalmology, Durham, NC, USA.
Klinke DJ 2nd; West Virginia University, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and WVU Cancer Institute, Morgantown, WV, USA.; West Virginia University, Department of Microbiology Immunology and Cell Biology, Morgantown, WV, USA.
Kornek M; German Armed Forces Central Hospital, Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, Koblenz, Germany.; Saarland University Medical Center, Department of Medicine II, Homburg, Germany.
Kosanović MM; University of Belgrade, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, INEP, Belgrade, Serbia.
Kovács ÁF; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Krämer-Albers EM; University of Mainz, Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology, Mainz, Germany.
Krasemann S; University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institute of Neuropathology, Hamburg, Germany.
Krause M; Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia.
Kurochkin IV; Central Research Laboratories, Sysmex Co., Kobe, Japan.
Kusuma GD; Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia.; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Kuypers S; Hasselt University, Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED), Hasselt, Belgium.
Laitinen S; Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, Research and Development, Helsinki, Finland.
Langevin SM; Cincinnati Cancer Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA.; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
Languino LR; Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical School, Department of Cancer Biology, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Lannigan J; University of Virginia, Flow Cytometry Core, School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA, USA.
Lässer C; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy, Krefting Research Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Laurent LC; University of California, San Diego, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Lavieu G; Institut Curie, INSERM U932, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Lázaro-Ibáñez E; AstraZeneca, Discovery Sciences, IMED Biotech Unit, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Le Lay S; INSERM U1063, Université d'Angers, CHU d'Angers, Angers, France.
Lee MS; Eulji University, School of Medicine, Daejeon, South Korea.
Lee YXF; Genome Institute of Singapore, ASTAR, Singapore.
Lemos DS; Federal University of Paraná, Department of Genetics, Human Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Curitiba, Brazil.
Lenassi M; University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Leszczynska A; University of California, San Diego, Department of Pediatrics, San Diego, CA, USA.
Li IT; University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, Canada.
Liao K; University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience, Omaha, NE, USA.
Libregts SF; University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Department of Medicine, Cambridge NIHR BRC Cell Phenotyping Hub, Cambridge, UK.
Ligeti E; Semmelweis University, Department of Physiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Lim R; Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia.; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Lim SK; Institute of Medical Biology (IMB), Agency for Science and Technology (ASTAR), Singapore.
Linē A; Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia.
Linnemannstöns K; University Medical Center Göttingen, Developmental Biochemistry, Göttingen, Germany.; University Medical Center Göttingen, Hematology and Oncology, Göttingen, Germany.
Llorente A; Oslo University Hospital-The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Oslo, Norway.
Lombard CA; Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique (IREC), Laboratory of Pediatric Hepatology and Cell Therapy, Brussels, Belgium.
Lorenowicz MJ; Utrecht University, University Medical Center Utrecht, Center for Molecular Medicine & Regenerative Medicine Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Lörincz ÁM; Semmelweis University, Department of Physiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Lötvall J; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy, Krefting Research Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Lovett J; Stellenbosch University, Department of Physiological Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Lowry MC; Trinity College Dublin, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panoz Institute & Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
Loyer X; INSERM UMR-S 970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris, France.; Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France.
Lu Q; Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.
Lukomska B; Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, NeuroRepair Department, Warsaw, Poland.
Lunavat TR; K.G. Jebsen Brain Tumor Research Centre, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Maas SL; Utrecht University, University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Neurosurgery, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Institute of Neurosciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Utrecht University, University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Pathology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Malhi H; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.
Marcilla A; Universitat de València, Departament de Farmàcia i Tecnologia Farmacèutica i Parasitologia, Àrea de Parasitologia, Valencia, Spain.; Universitat de València, Health Research Institute La Fe, Joint Research Unit on Endocrinology, Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics, Valencia, Spain.
Mariani J; Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, EPIGET LAB, Milan, Italy.
Mariscal J; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Martens-Uzunova ES; Department of Urology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Martin-Jaular L; Institut Curie, INSERM U932, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Martinez MC; INSERM U1063, Université d'Angers, CHU d'Angers, Angers, France.
Martins VR; A.C.Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil.
Mathieu M; Institut Curie, INSERM U932, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Mathivanan S; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Maugeri M; University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Gothenburg, Sweden.
McGinnis LK; University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
McVey MJ; SickKids Hospital, Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Toronto, Canada.; University of Toronto, Department of Anesthesia, Toronto, Canada.
Meckes DG Jr; Florida State University College of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Meehan KL; The School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
Mertens I; University of Antwerp, Centre for Proteomics, Antwerp, Belgium.; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), Mol, Belgium.
Minciacchi VR; Georg-Speyer-Haus Institute for Tumor Biology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt, Germany.
Möller A; QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Australia.
Møller Jørgensen M; Aalborg University Hospital, Department of Clinical Immunology, Aalborg, Denmark.; EVSEARCH.DK, Denmark.
Morales-Kastresana A; National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Morhayim J; Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Mullier F; Namur Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center (NTHC), NARILIS, Namur, Belgium.; Université Catholique de Louvain, CHU UCL Namur, Hematology-Hemostasis Laboratory, Yvoir, Belgium.
Muraca M; University of Padova, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Padova, Italy.
Musante L; University of Virginia Health System, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Charlottesville, VA, USA.
Mussack V; Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Division of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Freising, Germany.
Muth DC; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Myburgh KH; Stellenbosch University, Department of Physiological Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Najrana T; Brown University, Women and Infants Hospital, Providence, RI, USA.
Nawaz M; University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nazarenko I; German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Freiburg and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany.; Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Institute for Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology, Freiburg, Germany.
Nejsum P; Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus, Denmark.
Neri C; Sorbonne Université, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Research Unit Biology of Adaptation and Aging (B2A), Team Compensation in Neurodegenerative and Aging (Brain-C), Paris, France.
Neri T; University of Pisa, Centro Dipartimentale di Biologia Cellulare Cardio-Respiratoria, Pisa, Italy.
Nieuwland R; Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Vesicle Observation Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Nimrichter L; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Microbiologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Nolan JP; Scintillon Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Nolte-'t Hoen EN; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Noren Hooten N; National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, USA.
O'Driscoll L; Trinity College Dublin, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panoz Institute & Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
O'Grady T; University of Liège, GIGA-R(MBD), PSI Laboratory, Liège, Belgium.
O'Loghlen A; Queen Mary University of London, Blizard Institute, Epigenetics & Cellular Senescence Group, London, UK.
Ochiya T; National Cancer Center Research Institute, Division of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
Olivier M; McGill University, The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Ortiz A; IIS-Fundacion Jimenez Diaz-UAM, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Madrid, Spain.; Spanish Kidney Research Network, REDINREN, Madrid, Spain.; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Madrid, Spain.
Ortiz LA; Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Osteikoetxea X; AstraZeneca, Discovery Sciences, IMED Biotech Unit, Cambridge, UK.
Østergaard O; Statens Serum Institut, Department of Autoimmunology and Biomarkers, Copenhagen, Denmark.; University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ostrowski M; University of Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y SIDA (INBIRS), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Park J; POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Department of Life Sciences, Pohang, South Korea.
Pegtel DM; Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department of Pathology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Peinado H; Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO), Molecular Oncology Programme, Microenvironment and Metastasis Laboratory, Madrid, Spain.
Perut F; IRCCS - Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Laboratory for Orthopaedic Pathophysiology and Regenerative Medicine, Bologna, Italy.
Pfaffl MW; Technical University of Munich, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Division of Animal Physiology and Immunology, Freising, Germany.
Phinney DG; The Scripps Research Institute-Scripps Florida, Department of Molecular Medicine, Jupiter, FL, USA.
Pieters BC; Radboud University Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Pink RC; Oxford Brookes University, Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Oxford, UK.
Pisetsky DS; Duke University Medical Center, Departments of Medicine and Immunology, Durham, NC, USA.; Durham VAMC, Medical Research Service, Durham, NC, USA.
Pogge von Strandmann E; Philipps University Marburg, Experimental Tumor Biology, Marburg, Germany.
Polakovicova I; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Santiago, Chile.; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Hematology-Oncology, Santiago, Chile.
Poon IK; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Powell BH; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Prada I; CNR Institute of Neuroscience, Milan, Italy.
Pulliam L; University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Quesenberry P; The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Department of Medicine, Providence, RI, USA.
Radeghieri A; CSGI - Research Center for Colloids and Nanoscience, Florence, Italy.; University of Brescia, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Brescia, Italy.
Raffai RL; Department of Veterans Affairs, San Francisco, CA, USA.; University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Raimondo S; University of Palermo, Department of Biopathology and Medical Biotechnologies, Palermo, Italy.
Rak J; McGill University, Montreal, Canada.; McGill University, The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Ramirez MI; Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; Universidade Federal de Paraná, Paraná, Brazil.
Raposo G; Institut Curie, CNRS UMR144, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Rayyan MS; University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Regev-Rudzki N; Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Rehovot, Israel.
Ricklefs FL; University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Department of Neurosurgery, Hamburg, Germany.
Robbins PD; University of Minnesota Medical School, Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Roberts DD; National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, Laboratory of Pathology, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Rodrigues SC; CNC, Coimbra, Portugal.; Exogenus Therapeutics, Cantanhede, Portugal.
Rohde E; Paracelsus Medical University, Department of Transfusion Medicine, Salzburg, Austria.; Paracelsus Medical University, GMP Unit, Salzburg, Austria.; Spinal Cord Injury & Tissue Regeneration Center Salzburg (SCI-TReCS), Salzburg, Austria.
Rome S; University of Lyon, Lyon-Sud Faculty of Medicine, CarMeN Laboratory (UMR INSERM 1060-INRA 1397), Pierre-Bénite, France.
Rouschop KM; Maastricht University, GROW, School for Oncology and Developmental Biology, Maastricht Radiation Oncology (MaastRO) Lab, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Rughetti A; Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Experimental Medicine, Rome, Italy.
Russell AE; West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.
Saá P; American Red Cross, Scientific Affairs, Gaithersburg, MD, USA.
Sahoo S; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Medicine, Cardiology, New York City, NY, USA.
Salas-Huenuleo E; Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases, Santiago, Chile.; University of Chile, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science, Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology and Nanotoxicology, Santiago, Chile.
Sánchez C; Clínica las Condes, Extracellular Vesicles in Personalized Medicine Group, Santiago, Chile.
Saugstad JA; Oregon Health & Science University, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, Portland, OR, USA.
Saul MJ; Technische Universität Darmstadt, Department of Biology, Darmstadt, Germany.
Schiffelers RM; University Medical Center Utrecht, Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry & Hematology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Schneider R; University of Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Toronto, Canada.; University of Toronto, Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, Toronto, Canada.
Schøyen TH; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Scott A; University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
Shahaj E; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Unit of Immunotherapy of Human Tumors, Milan, Italy.
Sharma S; University of California, Los Angeles, California NanoSystems Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; University of California, Los Angeles, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Shatnyeva O; AstraZeneca, Discovery Sciences, IMED Biotech Unit, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Shekari F; Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Cell Science Research Center, Department of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Tehran, Iran.
Shelke GV; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Department of Surgery, Sahlgrenska Cancer Center, Gothenburg, Sweden.; University of Gothenburg, Institute of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy, Krefting Research Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Shetty AK; Research Service, Olin E. Teague Veterans' Medical Center, Temple, TX, USA.; Texas A&M University College of Medicine, Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Department of Molecular and Cellular Medicine, College Station, TX, USA.
Shiba K; Cancer Institute of JFCR, Tokyo, Japan.
Siljander PR; University of Helsinki, EV Core Facility, Helsinki, Finland.; University of Helsinki, Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Molecular and Integrative Biosciences Research Programme, EV group, Helsinki, Finland.
Silva AM; INEB - Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, Porto, Portugal.; University of Porto, i3S-Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Porto, Portugal.; University of Porto, ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal.
Skowronek A; Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute - Oncology Center, Gliwice Branch, Gliwice, Poland.
Snyder OL 2nd; Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, KS, USA.
Soares RP; René Rachou Institute/FIOCRUZ, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Sódar BW; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Soekmadji C; QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Australia.; The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Sotillo J; James Cook University, Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, Centre for Biodiscovery and Molecular Development of Therapeutics, Cairns, Australia.
Stahl PD; Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, USA.
Stoorvogel W; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Stott SL; Harvard Medical School, Department of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Massachusetts General Cancer Center, Boston, MA, USA.
Strasser EF; FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Transfusion and Haemostaseology Department, Erlangen, Germany.
Swift S; University of Auckland, Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology, Auckland, New Zealand.
Tahara H; Hiroshima University, Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hiroshima, Japan.
Tewari M; University of Michigan, Biointerfaces Institute, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; University of Michigan, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; University of Michigan, Department of Internal Medicine - Hematology/Oncology Division, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Timms K; University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Tiwari S; Georgetown University, Department of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA.; Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine & Biotechnology, Lucknow, India.
Tixeira R; La Trobe University, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, Bundoora, Australia.
Tkach M; Institut Curie, INSERM U932, PSL Research University, Paris, France.
Toh WS; National University of Singapore, Faculty of Dentistry, Singapore.
Tomasini R; INSERM U1068, Aix Marseille University, CNRS UMR7258, Marseille, France.
Torrecilhas AC; UNIFESP, Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Diadema, Brazil.
Tosar JP; Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Functional Genomics Unit, Montevideo, Uruguay.; Universidad de la República, Faculty of Science, Nuclear Research Center, Analytical Biochemistry Unit, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Toxavidis V; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
Urbanelli L; University of Perugia, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology, Perugia, Italy.
Vader P; University Medical Center Utrecht, Laboratory for Clinical Chemistry & Hematology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
van Balkom BW; University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
van der Grein SG; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Van Deun J; Cancer Research Institute Ghent, Ghent, Belgium.; Ghent University, Department of Radiation Oncology and Experimental Cancer Research, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, Ghent, Belgium.
van Herwijnen MJ; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Van Keuren-Jensen K; TGen, Neurogenomics Division, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
van Niel G; Center for Psychiatry and Neuroscience, INSERM U894, Paris, France.
van Royen ME; Department of Pathology, Erasmus MC, Erasmus Optical Imaging Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
van Wijnen AJ; Mayo Clinic, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rochester, MN, USA.
Vasconcelos MH; IPATIMUP, Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.; University of Porto, Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUP), Porto, Portugal.; University of Porto, i3S-Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Porto, Portugal.
Vechetti IJ Jr; University of Kentucky, College of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Lexington, KY, USA.
Veit TD; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Ciências Básicas da Saúde, Departamento de Microbiologia, Imunologia e Parasitologia, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Vella LJ; The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia.; The University of Melbourne, The Department of Medicine, Melbourne, Australia.
Velot É; UMR 7365 CNRS-Université de Lorraine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France.
Verweij FJ; Center for Psychiatry and Neuroscience, INSERM U894, Paris, France.
Vestad B; Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Research Institute of Internal Medicine, Oslo, Norway.; Regional Research Network on Extracellular Vesicles, RRNEV, Oslo, Norway.; University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo, Norway.
Viñas JL; Kidney Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada.; Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Visnovitz T; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Vukman KV; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Wahlgren J; University of Gothenburg, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry, Mölndal, Sweden.
Watson DC; Case Western Reserve University, Department of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA.; University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Wauben MH; Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Weaver A; Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Nashville, TN, USA.
Webber JP; Cardiff University, School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Weber V; Danube University Krems, Department for Biomedical Research and Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Therapy Approaches in Sepsis, Krems an der Donau, Austria.
Wehman AM; University of Würzburg, Rudolf Virchow Center, Würzburg, Germany.
Weiss DJ; The University of Vermont Medical Center, Department of Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA.
Welsh JA; National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Center for Cancer Research, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Wendt S; University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Aachen, Germany.
Wheelock AM; Karolinska Institute, Department of Medicine and Center for Molecular Medicine, Respiratory Medicine Unit, Stockholm, Sweden.
Wiener Z; Semmelweis University, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Budapest, Hungary.
Witte L; University Medical Center Göttingen, Developmental Biochemistry, Göttingen, Germany.; University Medical Center Göttingen, Hematology and Oncology, Göttingen, Germany.
Wolfram J; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials and Engineering, Wenzhou, China.; Houston Methodist Research Institute, Department of Nanomedicine, Houston, TX, USA.; Mayo Clinic, Department of Transplantation Medicine/Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Xagorari A; George Papanicolaou Hospital, Public Cord Blood Bank, Department of Haematology - BMT Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Xander P; Universidade Federal de São Paulo Campus Diadema, Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Laboratório de Imunologia Celular e Bioquímica de Fungos e Protozoários, São Paulo, Brazil.
Xu J; BC Cancer, Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, Canada.; Simon Fraser University, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Burnaby, Canada.
Yan X; Xiamen University, Department of Chemical Biology, Xiamen, China.
Yáñez-Mó M; Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria la Princesa (IIS-IP), Madrid, Spain.; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Biología Molecular, Madrid, Spain.
Yin H; Tsinghua University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Beijing, China.
Yuana Y; Technical University Eindhoven, Faculty Biomedical Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Zappulli V; University of Padova, Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, Padova, Italy.
Zarubova J; Institute of Physiology CAS, Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, BIOCEV, Vestec, Czech Republic.; Institute of Physiology CAS, Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic.; University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Bioengineering, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Žėkas V; Vilnius University, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Zhang JY; Guangzhou Medical University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences & the Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Key Laboratory of Molecular Target & Clinical Pharmacology, Guangzhou, China.
Zhao Z; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Zheng L; Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Guangzhou, China.
Zheutlin AR; University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
Zickler AM; Karolinska Institute, Clinical Research Center, Unit for Molecular Cell and Gene Therapy Science, Stockholm, Sweden.
Zimmermann P; Aix-Marseille Université, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, INSERM U1068, CNRS UMR7258, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille, Marseille, France.; KU Leuven (Leuven University), Department of Human Genetics, Leuven, Belgium.
Zivkovic AM; University of California, Davis, Department of Nutrition, Davis, CA, USA.
Zocco D; Exosomics Siena SpA, Siena, Italy.
Zuba-Surma EK; Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Department of Cell Biology, Kraków, Poland.
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