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Teaching and assessing social justice art education : power, politics, and possibilities

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Teaching and assessing social justice art education: power, politics, and possibilities / Karen Keifer-Boyd, Wanda B. Knight, Adetty Pérez de Miles, Cheri E. Ehrlich, Yen-Ju Lin, and Ann Holt.
개인저자Keifer-Boyd, Karen T., 1955- author.
발행사항New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
형태사항xiii, 175 p. : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Assess social justice art education -- Investigate systemic oppression -- Inspire decolonial actions -- Decenter white patriarchal norms -- Dismantle power differentials -- Include difference -- Become upstanders to injustice -- Integrate social justice art education principles.
요약"This incisive and wholly practical book offers a hands-on guide to developing and assessing social justice art education for K-12 art educators by providing theoretically grounded, social justice art education assessment strategies. Recognizing the increased need to base the K-12 curriculum in social justice education, the authors ground the book in six social justice principles - conceptualized through art education - to help teachers assess and develop curriculum, design pedagogy, and foster social justice learning environments. From encouraging teachers to be upstanders to injustice to engaging in decolonial action, this book provides a thorough guide to facilitating and critiquing social justice art education and engaging in reflexive praxis as educators. Rich in examples and practical application, this book provides a clear pathway for art educators to connect social justice art education with real-life educational assessment expectations: 21st-century learning, literacy, social skills, teacher performance-based assessment, and National Core Art Standards, making this text an invaluable companion to art educators and facilitators alike."--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(지명)United States. --fast
일반주제명Social justice and education --United States.
Art in education --Social aspects --United States.
Art --Study and teaching (Elementary) --United States.
Art --Study and teaching (Secondary) --United States.
Art --Study and teaching (Elementary)
Art --Study and teaching (Secondary)
Social justice and education.
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