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Teaching Word Recognition [electronic resource] : Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties 2nd ed

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Teaching Word Recognition [electronic resource]: Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties.
개인저자O'Connor, Rollanda E. 
판사항2nd ed.
발행사항New York: Guilford Publications, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (218 p.).
총서사항What Works for Special-Needs Learners
기타형태 저록Print version: O'Connor, Rollanda E. Teaching Word Recognition, Second Edition : Effective Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties New York : Guilford Publications,c2014 9781462516193
ISBN9781462516322 (electronic bk.)
1462516327 (electronic bk.)
일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Half Title Page; Series Page; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; About the Author; Contents; Introduction; Tiered Instruction, Response to Intervention, and Data-Based Instruction; The Progression from Oral Language to Reading Comprehension; Using This Book; 1. In the Beginning: Oral Language and Learning to Read Words; The Contribution of Oral Language to Reading and Comprehending Words; Storybooks and Oral Language; Activities to Develop Children's Vocabulary and Oral Language; Some Cautions on the Research on the Role of Oral Language in Reading Words; Try It!
2. Phonemic AwarenessLinking Phonemic Awareness and Reading Words; Activities to Develop Phonemic Awareness; A Word about Children Learning English as a Second Language; Assessing Phonemic Awareness; Try It!; 3. The Alphabetic Principle; Evidence That Links the Alphabetic Principle to Reading Words; Activities to Develop Awareness of the Alphabetic Principle; What about Invented Spelling?; Segment-to-Spell; Try It!; 4. Beginning to Decode; Phonics and Phonemic Awareness; Instructional Principles for Teaching Letter Sounds; Activities to Teach Letters and Their Sounds
Teaching Children to Blend Letter Sounds to Decode WordsActivities to Teach Students to Blend the Letter Sounds in Words; Interventions with a Decoding Emphasis; Is a Word Decodable?; Try It!; 5. Word Patterns; Which Patterns to Teach?; Which Order to Teach Them In?; Activities to Teach Common Letter Patterns; The Silent-e Rule; Practice, Practice, Practice; Try It!; 6. Developing Sight Words; Decodable Sight Words; High-Frequency Words with Irregular Spellings; Relations between Decoding and the Development of Sight Words; Activities to Teach Students to Read Sight Words; Try It!
7. Reading Multisyllabic WordsActivities to Teach Students to Read Multisyllabic Words; Rule-Based Decoding for Words with Endings; Try It!; 8. Using Morphology to Read Words; Teaching with Morphemes; Using Rules to Combine Morphemes; Combining Morphemes and Practicing the Use of Combining Rules; Try It!; 9. Reading Words Fluently; Research on Improving Reading Rate; Activities to Improve Students' Reading Rate and Fluency; Try It!; 10. Teaching Students Who Are English Learners; Phonemic Awareness and Phonics; Multisyllabic Word Reading; Reading Rate and Fluency
Older Students Who Are English LearnersTeaching Students Who Are English Learners to Read Words; Conclusions; Try It!; 11. Older Students with Reading Difficulties; Effective Approaches for Reading Words; Combination Approaches and Reading Packages; Integrating Reading and Spelling to Promote Word Recognition and More; Try It!; Appendix A. Resources; Appendix B. Reproducible Forms and Checklists; References; Index
요약This highly regarded teacher resource synthesizes the research base on word recognition and translates it into step-by-step instructional strategies, with special attention to students who are struggling. Chapters follow the stages through which students progress as they work toward skilled reading of words. Presented are practical, evidence-based techniques and activities that target letter- sound pairings, decoding and blending, sight words, multisyllabic words, and fluency. Ideal for use in primary-grade classrooms, the book also offers specific guidance for working with older children.
일반주제명Reading comprehension.
Learning disabled children --Education.
Language arts (Elementary)
Language arts (Elementary).
Learning disabled children -- Education.
Reading comprehension -- Problems, exercises, etc.
Reading comprehension.
EDUCATION / Elementary.
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