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The subject of Rosi Braidotti [electronic resource] : politics and concepts

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서명/저자사항The subject of Rosi Braidotti [electronic resource]: politics and concepts / edited by Bolette Blaagaard and Iris van der Tuin.
개인저자Blaagaard, Bolette. 
Tuin, Iris van der. 
발행사항London ; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource.
기타형태 저록Print version: Subject of Rosi Braidotti 9781472573353
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Prelude -- Introduction / Iris van der Tuin and Bolette Blaagaard -- The concept of the posthuman. Reflections on ethics, destructiveness, and life: Rosi Braidotti and the posthuman / Judith Butler -- Killing in a posthuman world: the philosophy and practice of critical military history / Joanna Bourke -- The future of scenarios: state science fiction / Peter Galison -- Living in molecular times / Henrietta L. Moore -- Imagining posthumanities, enlivening feminisms / Cecilia A?sberg -- Transplanting life: Bios and Zoe in images with imagination / Patricia Pisters -- Disaster feminism / Claire Colebrook -- Pro-proteus: the transpositional teratology of Rosi Braidotti / Patricia MacCormack -- Reading Rosi Braidotti: returning to Transpositions / Clare Hemmingss -- Interlude. Patterns of (dis)appearance / Natascha Unkart -- Encountering the nomadic subject with a smile / Piet van de Kar -- The politics of the academic. On generation(s) / Luisa Passerini -- Rosi Braidotti and the affirmation of European women's studies: points of no return / Aino-Maija Hiltunen, Annamaria Tagliavini and Berteke Waaldijk -- For a baby boomer philosopher / Nadia Setti -- The subject in question / Martine Mene?s -- Between two worlds: nomadism and the passion of an encounter / Maria Serena Sapegno -- Transposing NOISE and voice / Rosemarie Buikema and Nina Lykke -- Nomadic encounters: turning difference toward dialogue / Kelsey Henry, Iveta Jusova? and Joy Westerman -- ...R. B. to life / Chrysanthi Nigianni -- Nomadic subjects and the feminist archives / Lisa Baraitser -- The ethics of the nomad. Nomadic subjects and asylum seekers / Genevieve Lloyd -- Translating selves: on polyglot cosmopolitanism / Sandra Ponzanesi -- Nomadic theory as an epistemology for transnational feminist history / Chiara Bonfiglioli -- The struggle for Europe / Rutvica Andrijasevic -- Law's nomadic subjects: towards a micropolitics of posthuman rights / Patrick Hanafin -- Collaboration* / Gregg Lambert -- Postlude -- The untimely / Rosi Braidotti.
요약"The Subject of Rosi Braidotti: Politics and Concepts brings into focus the diverse influence of the work of Rosi Braidotti on academic fields in the humanities and the social sciences such as the study and scholarship in - among others - feminist theory, political theory, continental philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, cultural studies, ethnicity and race studies. Inspired by Braidotti's philosophy of nomadic relations of embodied thought, the volume is a mapping exercise of productive engagements and instructive interactions by a variety of international, outstanding and world-renowned scholars with texts and concepts developed by Braidotti throughout her immense body of work. In Braidotti's work, traversing themes of engagements emerge of politics and philosophy across generations and continents. Therefore, the edited volume invites prominent scholars at different stages of their careers and from around the world to engage with Braidotti's work in terms of concepts and/or political practice"--
해제Provided by publisher.
주제명(개인명)Braidotti, Rosi.
일반주제명Feminist theory.
Political science --Philosophy.
PHILOSOPHY --Political.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Feminism & Feminist Theory.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE --Minority Studies.
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