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Improve your communication skills [electronic resource] Fourth edition

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Improve your communication skills [electronic resource] / Alan Barker.
개인저자Barker, Alan, 1956- author.
판사항Fourth edition.
발행사항New York, NY : Kogan Page, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Creating success
기타형태 저록Print version: Barker, Alan, 1956- author. Improve your communication skills Fourth edition. New York, NY : Kogan Page, 2016 9780749475758

일반주기 Revised edition of Improve your communication skills, 2013.
내용주기About this book; 1hat is communication?; The transmission model; From transmission to reception: turning the model around; Getting to know each other; A new definition of communication; 2how conversations work; The three basic rules of good conversation; Why do conversations go wrong?; Putting conversations in context; Working out the relationship; Managing behaviour; The uses of conversation; 3?괪even ways to improve your conversations; Clarify your objective; Structure your thinking; Manage your time; Find common ground; Move beyond argument; Summarize often; Use visuals
he skills of enquiryPaying attention; Treating the speaker as an equal; Cultivating ease; Encouraging; Asking quality questions; Rationing information; Giving positive feedback; 5?괫he skills of persuasion; Character, logic and passion; What's the Big Idea?; Arranging your ideas logically; Expressing your ideas; Remembering your ideas; Delivering effectively; 6tough conversations; Six tough conversations; What makes conversations tough?; How we make tough conversations tougher; Three steps towards better tough conversations; 7taking a presentation; Preparing for the presentation
Managing the materialControlling the audience; Looking after yourself; Answering questions; 8utting it in writing; The trouble with e-mail; From speaking to writing; Editing your work; 9etworking: the new conversation; To network or not to network?; Preparing to network; The skills of networking conversations; Following up and building your network; Appendix
소장본주기eBooks on EBSCOhost All EBSCO eBooks
요약"Excellent communication skills are vital in today's workplace. Whether keeping the interest of a large audience, impressing a potential employer or simply winning the argument at an important meeting, sounding the part is key. This fourth edition of Improve Your Communication Skills is full of practical advice on all aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication. It gives vital tips on improving conversations and building rapport with colleagues, learning the skills of persuasion, and writing effective emails, letters and reports. This editionincludes new information focusing on communicating across borders and virtual teams and a new chapter on managing difficult conversations"--
요약"Improve Your Communication Skills is your practical guide to effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication in business. Full of proven tips and techniques, it will help you keep the interest of a large audience, impress a potential employer or simply win the argument at an important meeting. Better communication skills can have a direct impact on your career development. This book provides vital guidance on improving your conversations, building rapport with colleagues, learning skills of persuasion, giving effective presentations, writing effective emails, letters and reports, and networking successfully. Now in its 4th edition, essential new content includes communicating across borders and virtual teams, influencing others subtly and managing difficult conversations, as well as helpful checklists and exercises. With the help of Improve Your Communication Skills, you will be able to achieve verbal, vocal and visual success - getting your message across every time. The creating success series of books... With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers"--
해제Provided by publisher.
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Business communication.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Careers / General.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Business Communication / General.
SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General.
Business communication.
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