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Concurrent engineering : what's working where

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항 Concurrent engineering : what's working where / edited by Christopher J. Backhouse and Naomi J. Brookes.
개인저자 Backhouse, Christopher J. 
Brookes, Naomi J. 
발행사항 [London] : Design Council ; Aldershot, England ; Brookfield, Vt. : Gower , c1996.
형태사항 xx, 248 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 0566076667 (hardcover)
서지주기 Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기 Concurrent engineering: where it has come from and where it is now / Naomi Brookes and Chris Backhouse -- Variety within the production introduction process / Chris Backhouse and Naomi Brookes -- Structures and processes. -- On-time product design: Marconi Instruments Ltd / Tim Pegg -- Process and organizational changes for the implementation of concurrent engineering: Lucas Aerospace Actuation Division / Philip Lewis -- The Information technology approach. -- An Evolving product introduction process: Instron Ltd / John McAllister and Chris Backhouse -- Electronic manufacturing services: the information technology infrastructure: Design to Distribution Ltd (D2D) / Mike Meadowcroft and Naomi Brookes -- Tools and Techniques for efficient product development: IBM UK, Havant / Stuart Marshall [et al.] -- People issues. -- Changing the organization through people: Measurement Technology Ltd / Wendy Bowden and Fiona Lettice -- A Structured methodology for implementing concurrent engineering: Temco Ltd / Jane Burns, Ian Barclay and Jenny Poolton -- Controlling the product development process. -- Utilizing suppliers' expertise to reduce unit costs: Rolls-Royce / Oliver Towers -- Local control of design in a concurrent engineering environment: Morris Mechanical Handling Ltd / Bruce Norridge and Neil Burns -- Learning the lessons / Chris Backhouse and Naomi Brookes.
일반주제명 Production engineering.
Concurrent engineering.
분류기호(DDC) 658.5
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