1. The plotters doom wherein the wicked plots, plotters, and their confederates are detected and sentenced by the Holy Scriptures : in a late sermon upon the hellish plots which have been discovered in these nations, and may be an answer to Mr. H's late sermon upon Curse ye Meroz / by a sincere Protestant and true son of the church.
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2. A copy of the letters, wherin the most redouted [and] mighty pri[n]ce, our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eight, kyng of Englande [and] of Frau[n]ce, defe[n]sor of the faith, and lorde of Irla[n]de: made answere vnto a certayne letter of Martyn Luther, sent vnto hym by the same [and] also the copy of ye foresayd Luthers letter, in suche order, as h
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