1. [A new commod]ye in englysh [in] maner [of an enterl]ude ryght elygant & full of craft of rethoryk,] [wherein is shewd & dyscry[byd] as [well the b]ewte & good propertes of wom[e]n, [as theyr] vycys & euyll co[n]dicio[n]s, with a morall [co[n]clusi]on & exhortacyon to vertew.]
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
2. [A new commod]ye in englysh [in] maner [of an enterl]ude ryght elygant & full of craft of rethoryk,] [wherein is shewd & dyscry[byd] as [well the b]ewte & good propertes of wom[e]n, [as theyr] vycys & euyll co[n]dicio[n]s, with a morall [co[n]clusi]on & exhortacyon to vertew.]
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :
3. [A new commod]ye in englysh [in] maner [of an enterl]ude ryght elygant & full of craft of rethoryk,] [wherein is shewd & dyscry[byd] as [well the b]ewte & good propertes of wom[e]n, [as theyr] vycys & euyll co[n]dicio[n]s, with a morall [co[n]clusi]on & exhortacyon to vertew.]
전문(Full Text) 제공 DB / 패키지 :