1. Articles to be inquired of, by the churchwardens and sworne men within the Archdea[c]onrie of Worcester in the visitation of the R. Worshipful M. Iohn Iohnson Doctor of Divinitie, Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Worcester aforesaide, in this present yeare of our Lorde God, 1609.
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2. A learned speech spoken to His Excellency the Earl of Essex upon his departure from Northampton to Worcester concerning the present expedition by ... M. Thomas Springham ; also a true relation of the present proceedings of His Excellency and his army in their march from Northampton to Worcester to meet with the Kings Majesty.
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3. Certeine comfortable expositions of the constant martyr of Christ, M. Iohn Hooper, Bishop of Glocester and Worcester written in the time of his tribulation and imprisonment, vpon the XXIII. LXII. LXXIII. and LXXVII. Psalmes of the prophet Dauid.
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