1. Magnificis ac ornatissimis dominis D. Ioanni Smith de grottall, equiti aurato, urbis Edinburgi praefecto clarissimo, D.D. Andreae Symson, Roberto Achison, Joanni Inglis, & Georgio Walker praetoribus AEquissimis, Georgio Sutie aedili vigilantissimo, & Joanni Fairholm quaestori fidelissimo, caeterisque urbis Edinburgenae senatoribus prudentissimis, a
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2. Dr. Walker's invisible champion foyl'd, or, An appendix to the late Narrative of the siege of Derry wherein all the arguments offered in a late pamphlet to prove it a false libel, are examin'd and refuted / by John Mackenzie ...
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3. An Apology for the failures charg'd on the Reverend Mr. George Walker's printed account of the late siege of Derry in a letter to the undertaker of a more accurate narrative of that siege.
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