1. Choice experiences of the kind dealings of God before, in, and after conversion laid down in six general heads : together with some brief observations upon the same : whereunto is added a description of true experience / by J. Turner.
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2. A discourse on fornication shewing the greatness of that sin, and examining the excuses pleaded for it, from the examples of antient times : to which is added an appendix concerning concubinage : as also a remark on Mr. Butler's explication of Hebr. xiii, 4 in his late book on that subject / by J. Turner ...
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3. Something in answer to a book called Choice experiences, given forth by one J. Turner. Also the copy of a letter sent to the assembly of those that are called anabaptists in Newcastle. Wherein the simple minded ones may see the deceit of those people, who take up the practises of others, by imitation and tradition from the Scriptures, not having th
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