1. The follovving of Christ Deuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man Thomas a Kempis chanon-regular of the Order of S. Augustine. And translated into English by B. F.
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2. Mans chief guide to [s]alvation wherein [is la]id down many good instructions and motives to stir every poor soul, that he may be able in these sinful dayes to withstand Satans assaults / written by Thomas Robins, B. of D.
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3. Englands vvarning-peece gone forth. Written upon an occasion of the coming forth of a book of one Thomas Robbins B. of D. And as he calls himself England's watchman, but is discovered to be England's blind guide. By one Richard Farneworth a servant of the Lord. York-shire. June 1653.
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